PROGRAMME Health Sustainability Forum 2023

Health Sustainability Forum 2023 aims to gather national, regional and international partners and to mobilize expertise and experience for the dialogue on priority issues in the changing context of new political, social and economic challenges. The key focus is ensuring sustainable access of key populations to essential services in current circumstances. The EECA region is going through a major historical transformation process, which is marked with the Russian war against Ukraine, its humanitarian and economical losses in Ukraine, political instability in Moldova and Georgia as well as backlash against democratic reforms, achieved previously in some countries in Central Asia. These developments significantly influence political, economic and social spheres and present new challenges and risks. Partners will share their vision on current challenges, new needs and will share innovative approaches and discuss new strategies.

Conference is targeting key partners of the #SoS 2.0 regional project, stakeholders, advocates, practitioners and affected communities. The conference provides space for dialogue, networking, communication and collaboration for advocates, civil society, and communities to discuss, plan, coordinate joint efforts in overcoming barriers to access, and ensure sustainability of HIV services in the region. In addition, the event is aimed at informing decision-makers of national and regional partners as well as major donors regarding sustainable HIV response and creating enabling environments in the region.

TimeCET/ Warsaw: UTC+2 (GMT+2)Sessions / Thematic Issues / DescriptionSpeakersFormat
OPENING PLENARY / Moderator:  Tetiana Deshko, Alliance for Public Health
09:05 – 09:25Challenging and Fluctuating Environment in EECA Region. Global Policy View on Geopolitics.Unpacking the impact of war in Ukraine on the political situation across the EECA region. –  Aleksander Kwaśniewski, former President of Poland, Chair of the ECECACDKeynote speech
09:25 – 10:00Welcome and Setting the ContextWelcome Speeches by Organizers and PartnersAndriy Klepikov, Alliance for Public Health- Dmytro Sherembey, 100% Life- Andreas Tamberg, The Global Fund- Mišo Pejković, SEE RCN, Head of Implementer Group of Global Fund Board- Stela Bivol, WHO– Marina Smelyanskaya, UNDP– Eamon Murphy, UNAIDS
SESSION I, part 1. SUSTAINABILITY AND CONTINUITY: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS / Moderator: Maksym Demchenko, Social Equation Hub (SEH) 
10:00 – 11:00Health Service and Business ContinuityKey Challenges in Ensuring Sustainability and Continuity of HIV Response in the EECA Region. Andreas Tamberg, The Global Fund- Sohel Saikat, WHO – Health System Resilience & Essential Public Health Functions Team- Joel Stanojevich, US CDC (Online)- Eleanora Hvazdziova, UNAIDS Regional Support Teamfor Eastern Europe and Central AsiaPanel Discussion
11:00 – 11:30BREAK 
SESSION I, part 2. SUSTAINABILITY AND CONTINUITY: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS / Moderator: Maksym Demchenko, Social Equation Hub (SEH) 
11:30 – 12:30Health System Strengthening, Responding to Emergencies, Migration Crisis, Service Continuity, Agility of Response, Emergency PlanningThe impact of the war in Ukraine, pandemic, and socio-economic turbulence, is disrupting healthcare and hitting the vulnerable the hardest.What is needed to unlock equitable access for all while building crisis-resistant health systems? Health Service and Business continuity in turbulent times. How to follow the patient in the time of migration.Olga Gvozdetska(Online)/Olha Klimova, PHC Ukraine- Vlasta Brodska, #HelpNow HUB – Daniel Kashnitsky, Regional Expert Group on Migration and Health – Denis Denisenko, Elton John AIDS Foundation- Giorgi Soselia/Mari Chokheli, Academy of Sustainable Development, Social Equation HubPresentation
12:30 – 12:40Integration of HIV into UHC and Relevance of UHC Goals for the EECA Region Sergii Dmitryev, Health Advocacy CoalitionPresentation
12:40 – 12:50Readiness of Health Systems to Decentralize HIV Testing and Treatment ServicesAibek Mukambetov, Social Equation HubPresentation
12:50 – 13:00Risks and challenges related to decentralized procurement, observations in EECA region  Denis Godlevskiy,  ITPC EECA Presentation
13:00 – 13:10Comparative cost analysis of the current HIV testing versus RDT-based strategies in EECA regionLucia Pirtina, The Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center)Presentation
13:10 – 13:20Decentralized Financing: Case Study Podgorica Sanja Sisovic,  CAZASPresentation
13:20 – 13:30Gaps and Challenges in Ensuring Comprehensive and Continuous HIV Care in Prisons – EECA Regional OverviewAnna Koshikova, Eurasian Movement for the Right to Health in PrisonPresentation
13:30 – 14:30LUNCH
SESSION III. DRUG POLICY / Moderator: Olena Kucheruk, Executive secretary to the ECECACDThe future of drug policy in the region: challenges and prospects for changes
14:30 – 15:30Global and regional reality, current context, challenges and opportunities for drug policy reforms– Professor Michel Kazatchkine, GC, ECECACD– Kasya Malinovska -Sempruh, Global Drug Policy Program, OSF – Kaur Virk Harsheth, UNODC– Marina Smelyanskaya, UNDP– Ganna Dovbakh, EHRAPLENARY DISCUSSION – DAVOS FORMAT
15:30 – 16:30New vectors for drug policy changes in the countries of the region– Mykhailo Golichenko, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network -Main priorities for drug policy changes changes Next steps, what is realistic and doable?– Mari Chokheli, GHRN, Georgia– Ilim Sadykov, Kyrgyzstan – Alexei Grosu, Inspectoratul Național de Securitate Publică al Inspectoratului General de Poliție al MAI, Moldova, and Ruslan Poverga, Initiativa Pozitiva, Moldova – Morgana Danielė, Member of Parliament– Slava Kushakov, Alliance for Public HealthPLENARY DISCUSSION – DAVOS FORMAT
16:30 – 17:00BREAK
SESSION IV. DONORS & FUNDING / Moderator: Sasha Volgina, GNP+Supported by Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA)
17:00 – 18:00Funding Modalities and Opportunities for EECA Region–  Andreas Tamberg, The Global Fund- Aaron Banks, PEPFAR- Anna Gots, Aidsfonds– Jake Rashbass, EJAF- Andriy Klepikov, Co-Chair AIDS 2024Moderated panel discussion
18:00 -20:00Reception, networking
TimeSessions / Thematic Issues / DescriptionSpeakersFormat
SESSION V: TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE / Moderator: Stela Bivol, World Health Organization
09:05 – 09:20How to reach the first 95 in EECA: from WHO guidelines to closing the gaps in HIV diagnosis. Status neutral approach to HIV prevention and careViatcheslav Grankov, World Health OrganizationPresentation
09:20 – 09:30Key optimization points of National HIV and ART testing strategies in accordance with WHO recommendations in EECA countriesDaryna Bondarenko, 100% LifePresentation
09:30 – 09:45Health and access to HIV services among MSMNikolay Lunchenkov, ECOMPresentation
09:45 – 10:00Optimizing HIV case finding in Central AsiaAnna Deryabina, Regional Director for Eurasia, ICAP at Columbia UniversityPresentation(online)
10:00 – 10:15The power of PrEP: how to simplify PrEP service delivery and consider innovative approaches, including long-acting cabotegravirIoannis Mameletzis, World Health OrganizationPresentation
10:15 – 10:45Long-acting buprenorphine as substitution maintenance treatment: plans for implementation in Kyrgyzstan and UkraineAnna Meteliuk, Alliance for Public HealthIryna Ivanchuk, PHC Ukraine Presentation
10:45 – 11:05Q&A sessionDiscussion: incorporating new approaches of the HIV response into existing country contexts
11:05 – 11:30BREAK
11:30-13:00Best practices and experience of evidence-based advocacy to improve the legal and human rights environment in EECA countries.Which approaches and tools work in which settings. Quality of services and medications. Findings on gender barriers from a 15 country studyBest practices and what works?Pulod Dzhamolov, SPIN-Plus- Lyubov Vorontsova, EWNA – Aleksey Zagrebelnyi, FREE ZONE – Nadira Masiumova, ECOMDiscussion:
– how will our current approaches to human rights mitigate the growing pandemic of hate towards communities?– are our approaches resilient enough?
Moderated panel discussion
13:00 – 14:00LUNCH
14:00 – 14:15Virtual social worker as a tool to enhance service provision within a comprehensive digital service delivery systemMaria Malakhova, Alliance for Public HealthPresentation
14:15 – 14:30DHIS2 as one of the leading HIS in the world Yuriy Rogachev, University of OsloPresentation
14:30 – 14:45Digitalisation of the HIV prevention, care and support service provision processes utilizing the DHIS2 frameworkOleksandr Maruniak, Alliance for Public HealthPresentation
14:45 – 15:00Ecosystem of Digital Public Health in Ukraine as part of the digital transformation.Architecture of Data and Digital Tools in Ukraine in Public Health System Aleksandr Kurdus – PHC Ukraine Presentation
15:00 – 15:15Data across the region – creating a common space to showcase regional and national level highlights Constantin Charanovskiy, Positive Initiative Presentation
15:15 – 15:30Q&A session
16:00 – 17:45Moderators: Magdalena Dąbkowska, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights with support from Ganna Dovbakh, EHRA
Regional consultation to gather input for the General Comment on Drug Policy prepared by the UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights
Moderators:  Tetiana Deshko, Alliance for Public Health, Sergii Filippovych, Director of the #SoS 2.0 Special face-to-face session for #SoS 2.0 team and project Oversight Committee
CLOSING SESSION / Moderator: Sergii Filippovych, Director of the #SoS 2.0
17:45 – 18:00Summing up of the regional forum

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