Effectiveness and costs of HIV testing in Kazakhstan and Georgia

Have you ever wondered how much money is spent on HIV testing in different countries? Our latest analysis examines the costs of current HIV testing strategies in Kazakhstan and Georgia, and compares them to the recommended testing algorithm developed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The report is based on the work of a highly qualified consultant who was tasked with comparing the costs of current HIV testing strategies in Georgia and Kazakhstan against the WHO-recommended Diagnostic Rapid Test (DRT) algorithm.

What will you find in this report?

A proposed methodology to estimate the total estimated cost of HIV testing algorithms, including WHO recommendations and national testing algorithms in Georgia and Kazakhstan. The methodology is based on the principles presented and discussed at the sub-regional meeting on decentralization of HIV testing services and simplification of testing algorithms held in Almaty in November 2022.

Description of the methodology for calculating the cost of different HIV testing methods using a step-wise cost allocation approach.

A brief overview of the organization of HIV testing in Georgia and Kazakhstan, as well as an analysis of key statistics for the period 2020-2022.

Calculation of the average cost of different HIV testing algorithms in Kazakhstan and Georgia, as well as their comparative analysis.

Findings and recommendations to better understand the effectiveness of current HIV testing strategies in both countries and take steps to improve them.

Read the full report at: https://pas.md/ru/PAS/Studies/Details/402

The analysis was prepared by the PAS Center and published within the framework of the Regional Project “Sustainability of Services for Key Populations in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region” (SoS_project 2.0), implemented by a consortium of organizations led by the Public Health Alliance. In partnership with 100% Life, with financial support from the Global Fund.

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