International experts have discussed the best practices of Islamic countries in HIV response and implementation of harm reduction programs

Alliance for Public Health and the Malaysian AIDS Foundation (MAF) have held an expert discussion ‘HIV, Harm Reduction and Islam’ to share the experience and present successful mechanisms for implementation of harm reduction and HIV prevention programs in Islamic countries.

Andriy Klepikov, Executive Director at Alliance for Public Health, said that a half of the 14 countries of SoS_project 2.0, the geographically largest Global Fund’s regional project, are Islamic. That is why it is important to study the best practices in HIV response and ensuring more sustainable response through support and coordination with Islamic religious groups and their leaders. This cooperation would be productive and help to significantly accelerate the progress of defeating the HIV/AIDS epidemic in such countries.

A recording of the panel discussion on HIV, Harm Reduction and Islam is available for viewing:

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