International Overdose Awareness Day

Today is International Overdose Awareness Day. The overdose crisis is sweeping our region, and we urge everyone to pay attention.

Together with the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, we support strategies that prioritize health and human rights. The overdose crisis can be prevented by taking a comprehensive approach and ensuring access to the life-saving drug naloxone.

This year our focus is on research in Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine. The diverse strategies used in these countries to prevent overdoses will help us address this issue.

Read more about each country:

Estonia: Is an example of an innovative approach, especially in terms of progressive harm reduction measures.

Lithuania: Promotes naloxone distribution through police structures, making the drug more accessible.

Poland: Faced with obstacles in the form of restrictive laws that make it difficult to distribute naloxone.

Ukraine: Demonstrated resilience by successfully organizing access to naloxone amid a war launched by Russia.

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