Serbia: Sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV

Here is a unique study about women living with HIV in Serbia that sheds light on the stories of strength, rights and challenges faced by women!

The study, implemented by the NGO Re Generation, focuses on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV in Serbia. Based on the EWNA methodology, the study analyzes in depth the lives of these women, as well as issues of gender equality, human rights, gender-based violence, economic opportunities and political participation.

It is important to note that this is the first study of its kind in Serbia where women are the target group. This study included 100 women from all over Serbia, more than half of whom are over 50 years old and actively shared their experiences and opinions.

The study included a diverse group of women living with HIV, including those who face challenges such as hepatitis C, a history of drug use, partners with a history of drug use, disability, incarceration, sex work and dependence on social support.

The report reveals the difficulties these women face in accessing health care, and also reveals the relationship between HIV status and intimate partner violence. More than 83% of women experience difficulties due to the cost of services and travel expenses, while 30% recognize the link between violence and their HIV status. Moreover, 20% of women have experienced violence after diagnosis, and 24% believe that violence in the healthcare sector is caused by their positive HIV status.

Activists and service providers emphasize the need for a more effective referral system and the creation of individualized services for women who do not belong to key populations. Let’s join forces to improve HIV service delivery and gender equality policies, ensuring a safer and more supportive environment.

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