UNAIDS released new report on AIDS

A new UNAIDS report argues that the AIDS epidemic can be ended by 2030. It details the actions needed to achieve this goal, which will help not only to fight future pandemics but also to move towards the shared goal of sustainable development.

A key success factor is strong political leadership. It is important to use evidence, overcome inequalities, empower communities and civil society organizations, and ensure sustainable financing.

Progress has been made: new infections have been reduced and the number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy has increased significantly.

But there is still work to be done: attention must be paid to those who are not receiving treatment and focus on the women and girls who continue to be affected by the AIDS epidemic.

Funding is also key: it has decreased in 2022 and requires additional investment to reach the targets.

Defeating AIDS is possible by increasing political will and investing in priority interventions, including HIV prevention and treatment, health systems integration, non-discrimination laws, gender equality and community empowerment.

Winnie Bianima, Executive Director of UNAIDS, emphasized that success depends on our actions, and while the path remains to be traveled, it is clear.

Read more about the new UNAIDS report: bit.ly/3DdNciw

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