On June 20 each year, World Refugee Day speaks to the problems and challenges for those who have been forced to flee their home country because of conflict or persecution.

World Refugee Day reminds us of the rights, needs and dreams of refugees. It mobilizes political will and resources so that refugees not only survive but can thrive. While we need to support and improve the lives of refugees every day, international days like this help bring their hardships to the attention of the global community.

An important support from the #SoS_project 2.0 team for Ukrainian refugees was the service and then the eponymous hub – #HelpNow. This project aims to support Ukrainian refugees with HIV and members of key populations. It provides access to information resources, helps to get necessary treatment, including ART, ZPT, TB drugs, and social services such as psychological and legal support.

HelpNow Hub project helps Ukrainian refugees both in Ukraine and abroad, especially in the Baltic States, Poland and Germany.
More information about the work of the service can be found here

Also on the initiative of the Alliance for Public Health, the Safe Place shelter was created to support internally displaced people, helping to build a bridge between a lost life and a future.

Learn more

Alliance’s Mobile Treatment Teams (MTPs) travel to de-occupied territories, giving people in the most remote parts of Ukraine the opportunity to receive medical and humanitarian aid. Even in areas where people are left alone under shelling, the Foundation’s team arrives to provide assistance. These are true heroes who bring help and hope.

You can find out more about humanitarian initiatives in the latest report

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